Saturday, September 05, 2009

The Master's Plan, Part 2...

The Example and The Power

Jesus gave the disciples (and us) a perfect example of how to live this life. In so doing, He gave up everything He had and poured out His life like an offering. He finished pouring Himself out by giving His Spirit to them. This allowed them to carry on effectively, and today the Spirit still gives us what we need to accomplish even more than Jesus did.

He showed the disciples many things:
How to pray
The importance of Scripture
He was selflessness
He had compassion for the lost and a passion for truth
Patience – he told them and retold them and told them again!
Always forgave.
Denied his flesh
Submitted to God’s will 100%
He was at peace and calm – He knew that everything would work out.
Loved His enemies

Above all, Jesus showed everyone how to love. His life was the perfect example of how to love God and love people.

=============Take Home Message=============

  1. Jesus lived His life to be the perfect example for us. What do we need to do differently to follow that example? How do we help others follow that example?
  2. How does our example affect people in our family, at school, at work, etc?
  3. Do you love God? If so, how do you demonstrate it? How do you prove it? How do you know it?
  4. Challenge: Read John 13-17 this week. Savor Jesus’ last words to His disciples, His friends

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